Planning our Spring VIP Sale


With every sale comes the excitement of discovering new brands! The best part of our job hands down.

For this sale, we’ve discovered some absolute treasures for you. And I must confess my wishlist for this one is longer than ever before. I’ve had to practice some serious restraint to not hit 'proceed to checkout’ on many occasions. Something tells me they’ll be a lot of that coming this Wednesday and Thursday! I shall be asking for forgiveness, not permission!

We have about 20 new brands all waiting in the wings for you to discover at our Spring Sale. Everything from womenswear, to teen brands, a fabulous holiday edit and luxury nightwear. We truly have something for everyone, but not so much that it’s overwhelming… we hope! The only overwhelming part will be the incredible savings on offer!

If you’ve shopped our sales before, you’ll be pleased to know we have over 50 of your old favourites too. Ridley London, Meg and Bee, Gussy and Lou and more…

Do share the news of our fabulous sale with all your family and friends. They’ll thank you for it! And our small British businesses will do a little happy dance every time you place an order.

Thanks for your support!


Tam & Caroline x